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The uniqueness of the Waldorf curriculum lies primarily in how and when the children are taught, rather than in what is taught. In presenting material, the encounter comes first; then encounter becomes experience; and out of experience crystallizes the concept.
Perception, feeling, idea: three steps in a genuine learning process that prepares the intellect for the abstract and conceptual thinking which will become possible later, in adolescence.
History, language arts, science, math, and geography are taught during morning main lesson in blocks of three to five weeks. Daily main lesson is an engaging two hours designed to deepen the students' exploration of content, day by day and year by year. While each block of study focuses on a specific subject and topic, language arts and mathematical skills are incorporated into daily lessons.

Grades 1-3
- Pictorial introduction to the alphabet, writing, reading, spelling, poetry, and drama
- Folk and fairy tales, fables, legends of many cultures, and Old Testament stories
- Quality of numbers, the four arithmetic processes, measurement, money, and time
- Nature stories, house building, farming and gardening

Grades 4-6
- Writing, reading, spelling, grammar, poetry, and drama
- Norse and Greek myths, history and stories of ancient civilizations
- Fractions, decimals, percentages, business math, and geometry and review of the four arithmetic processes,
- Local and world geography, comparative zoology, botany, and elementary physics

Grades 7-8
- Creative writing, reading, spelling, grammar, poetry, and drama
- Medieval history, Renaissance, world exploration, world religions, American history, and biography
- Mathematics (graphing, algebra, geometry)
- Geography
- Physics, basic chemistry, astronomy, anatomy, and physiology

Creative development taught across all grades
After main lesson, students spend the remainder of the day in their subject classes. The creative development fostered during this time is often linked back to and integrated into the current main lesson block so that students are constantly offered the opportunity to examine what they are learning from new angles.
- Handwork: knitting, crochet, sewing, cross-stitch, embroidery, felting, and woodworking
- Music: singing, pentatonic flute, recorder, string and band instruments, symphonic and choral ensembles
- World language: German
- Art: painting, drawing, beeswax and clay modeling, perspective drawing
- Movement: eurythmy, gymnastics, group games, cross-country skiing, swimming, sports and fitness, and daily recess including hikes to the creek