- About
- Extended Day Provider
- Programs
- Admissions
- Community
- School Forms
- Giving
- AWS Portal
- The Light of Aurora Shining for 30 Years!
- Join Our Mailing List For 5-Day Pre-K / Kindergarten Application
- Join Our Mailing List For 1st-8th Grade Application
- Blog
- Join Our Mailing List For Parent-Toddler Application
- Donate
- Our Campus
- Endowment
Consistent with our mission, Aurora Waldorf School is not just a school for children, but a school for families. From our parent engagement program to the many community events offered throughout the year, we strive to be a place where parents can find their own personal growth right alongside their students.
Every Aurora Waldorf parent is a member of PAWS (Parents of AWS) which serves as the collective parent voice within our organizational structure. Social community-building events, fundraisers, and parent education are just a few of the ways this group supports the work of the school.