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Blog: The Light of Aurora

The Meaning Behind the Festivals at AWS (part one)

00:00 AM - November 21, 2021

The Meaning Behind the Festivals at AWS (part one)

AWS Community Lantern Walk, November 2021

I want to ignite each human being

Out of the universal Spirit

That they become Flame,

And unfold with fiery will

The essence of their Being.

-Rudolf Steiner

Festivals not only help us connect and create a shared human experience, they also help us tune into the wondrous changes that happen as part of the seasonal rhythm in nature. Noticing and celebrating the transitions of one season into the next offers an opportunity for us to recognize and appreciate our interconnectedness with the world around us.

One of the most important aspects of what we offer our students and our community here at Aurora Waldorf School is experiencing the festivals of the year.

In this two-part blog post, we will first examine our relationship with the seasons and the natural world, and describe the passage of the first half of the school year through our festivals. The second part will focus on how we connect with one another, highlighting the human cultural elements of the festivals.

Connecting to the Seasons

After the big outbreath of the summer in the long days of external warmth and sunlight, the fall challenges us to show fiery courage in meeting the growing darkness and compassion toward those in need. Deeds of kindness bring warmth in facing the increasing cold. Just as a lantern is illuminated by the flame within, the colorful beauty of an individual’s good actions rays out into the world. The fading of nature’s bright leaves and colors turns our thoughts to those who have passed, remembering the light they brought to us.

As we follow the spiral path inward, we are drawn toward the birth of the inner light, which glows with increasing strength, the deepening darkness surrounding it. Each individual’s flame is an essential contribution, bringing light to the isolated aspects of our world. The profound stillness and peace of the shortest days of the year can be a warm and light-filled wellspring of inner renewal, an affirmation of the spiritual light, the unique flame within each individual.

When the outer world seems in deepest sleep, a blanket of thick snow covers all now, and the slowly lengthening days awaken the first sap stirring in the trees. The groundhog appears for a look-see, and the growing outer light draws our attention outward as we shake off the crusts of winter and marvel at subtle movements and changes brought forth by the sun’s strengthening rays.

Colors appear in the first welcome flowers. The grass appears fresh, young, and green as the snow layers melt, feeding the swelling creeks and streams. Laughter, rainbows in splashing puddles, and time to dance and sing of the beauty of nature around us, of how each of us brings our own special something to the world - a unique ribbon of the rainbow to weave into the community dance of spring!

The dwindling daylight in the fall is mirrored by the lengthening days of the spring. It is a living journey following the light through the breathing of the seasons. AWS’s festivals bring this breathing aspect to the students and their families with beauty and inner meaning, while providing social warmth and community to all.

Festival Celebrations

Through the First Half of the School Year

September's Rose Ceremony

Our traditional Opening Day assembly warmly welcomes all grade students back to school. New first graders are greeted by their eighth grade buddies with a beautiful rose, and the first story of the year is told by the first grade teacher.

Fall Festival of Courage

For 30 years, Aurora Waldorf School has heard the story, sung the songs, and performed plays of the brave deeds of the Archangel Michael, the mighty warrior of light. We continue to consciously seek out and celebrate Michael’s light of courage and wisdom as it appears in cultures around the world that may be less familiar to us.

October Visit by Haudenosaunee Dancers

The Indigenous Spirit Dancers share aspects of their Haudenosaunee culture and lead students and teachers in social dances, allowing our community the opportunity to connect with and appreciate the indigenous people of the land we live on.


November can be seen as a month of service, connecting to the story of St. Martin helping the beggar, showing kindness to others at home, in the classroom, schoolwide, in the local, and larger community. Winter clothing is collected for those in need.

Remembrance Celebration

This gathering commemorates those connected to our AWS community who have passed the threshold of death. Adults and teens gather for music, eurythmy and poetry reading.

Lantern Display and Lantern Walk

During this time of year there are celebrations of light in many cultures and religions, such as Diwali from the Hindu custom, and Hanukkah from the Jewish tradition. Students create beautiful and original lanterns, and sing as they walk through the darkened school. Families are invited to gather for an outdoor evening Lantern Walk as the sun is setting.

Spiral of Light

The school community gathers quietly, and each member walks a spiral of pine boughs to the center, lights a candle, and places it on the path. Music accompanies the growing light.

December’s Holiday Assembly

The community experiences the warmth and deep quiet of the winter solstice through German Advent traditions.

(to be continued…)

Maria Ebersole, AWS Eurythmy Teacher and Therapeutic Eurythmist finished the Waldorf Teacher Training in 1985 in Germany, graduated from the Eurythmy Academy in the Hague, Netherlands in 1990, and completed the Therapeutic Eurythmy Training in 2007 in Copake, NY. She has been at the Aurora Waldorf School since 2003, has a private practice and resides with her husband in East Aurora. They have two adult children who both graduated from AWS.

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