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Blog: The Light of Aurora

Bonding as a Family in the Outdoors

11:10 AM - December 07, 2022

Bonding as a Family in the Outdoors

“Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair”- Kahlil Gibran

Discovering and exploring the Earth is the most organic method of “playing” that humans can experience. Age does not alter the fact that “play” benefits us all. There is a limitless realm of magic and healing in the forests, creeks, oceans, meadows, and mountains. Even our own backyards can be opportunities for establishing joy and togetherness. We each have our own unique relationship with Mother Earth and the gifts she gives us. When we come together in true collaboration between nature and those we cherish, we can encompass the full magnitude of the bond that nature allows us to create.

A gift is something given without being associated with a cost. Nature provides us sunshine, fresh air, grass to walk in, flowers to smell, trees to climb on, puddles to jump in, skies to stargaze, and an infinity of precious experiences. These simple and easy-to-access treasures can create lifelong memories and strengthen the fibers that hold us close to our loved ones.

In the woods, whether we are hiking, camping, building forts, or collecting pine cones, the soothing balm of the forest air greets us with a gentle stirring of the wind. The comfort of being sheltered by ancient old oak trees or tall gangly pines allows us a moment of serenity and disconnection from the hustle and bustle of our modern lives. It is a time to share stories, feelings, and thoughts from our day without distraction or the buzz of technology. It provides us with exercise and purification. It is a truly sacred moment to stand silent with your children and listen to the bird songs, the chipmunk chatter, and owl hoots.

A picnic together in the grassy meadow, crickets chirping, puffy clumps of cloud floating lazily by, and the sound of a child laughing as they run wild in the boundless land. When there are flowers to be picked, berries to be collected into baskets, and kites to fly, it is sure to keep even the most energy-filled children occupied and busy as the buzzing bees. In this place of open field, a family can even enjoy a winter day of snowshoeing and snowman building. It is a place where we can all be children, free and playful beings, open to imagination and unlimited possibilities. Our children can witness us in a moment of absolute mindfulness, our true selves, separated from the responsibilities of the adult world-forever young and beaming.

Whether swimming, splashing, searching for seashells or sea glass, stacking rocks, or building in the sand- the waters of lakes, creeks, and oceans can be an excellent source of family merrymaking. Something about the wishy-washy waves drifting by or the sound of seagulls squawking brings such a feeling of delight. Water can be cleansing and freshening. It can wash away the old and the gritty and reveal something pure and renewed.

It does not take extravagant, luxurious plans or tremendous amounts of money to feel close as a family. It can be as simple as riding the swings in the park, walking on a stone pebbled path, or observing a baby bird feeding that can sync the hearts of a family. Our connection to the earth and each other grows stronger as we experience and open ourselves to the beauty of all that surrounds us above our heads, beneath our feet, and all that is in between.

Tara Miller-Kuhn is the Lead Teacher for the Rose Meadow Pre-K Class

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